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Ernest Caravalho

         MY QUEST

This is my quest:


For all of our people, I will fight to reverse the corruption that exists in our government. 


I will fight for the rights of the people to live a life that is befitting all human beings—one that is fair and just. 


I will fight for the right of our ʻāina to be cleansed of the filth and pollution that has been brought upon her.


I will fight for the rights of our future generations, that they too may be able to live in a Hawaiʻi that is truly pono to all our people.


I will reach out for that unreachable star, and in doing so, I will fight for all of us. 


Ernest David Kaimana Caravalho

The best thing that I can do to improve the lives of all the people of Honolulu is to tackle our problems with solutions that permanently put an end to problems we have allowed to linger for years and years.  Solutions that will limit or end outside persons and entities from owning land in Hawaii.  Solutions that will regulate housing rentals and rental properties in a way that creates more housing.  Solutions that will adjust how property is valued in order to curtail artificial inflation of prices. Solutions that will establish a living wage across the State of Hawaii.  Solutions that will tackle Poverty, Houselessness, Drugs and Alcohol addictions and Mental Illness that prevail throughout House District 28 and the State of Hawaii. 


You can count on me making these things happen because I am an average worker and resident of Hawai’i. Like you, I want to be able to live a happy, uplifting, and normal life, in peace.  I don't need to be rich, powerful, or wealthy.  I want our lives improved, and I want everyone to be able to afford to live in their own homes without having to suffer the inequalities that have kept our local people down and out.

Everyone thinks that they are the right candidate for the job, and I know we all see things differently.  What you really need to know about me is that, unlike all the others, I have a complete vision for House District 28. I aim to tackle the problems of Houselessness, Mental Illness, Drug and Alcohol addiction with the help of those who understand the problem the best, the people who have been there and made it out. I also plan on addressing the shortfall of affordable housing and Climate Change as House District 28 is in a flood zone. 


With that, my policies and motivations to transform Honolulu and House District 28 have a transparent aim: to make Honolulu a truly resilient city and county that can feed its own people; provide for its own energy; lead the way in education, conservation, Pacific Ocean clean up, restoration of our lands, and research. I aim to invest and motivate so that we can transform Hawai'i like our lives and futures depend on it. 


Most importantly, I will do everything within my power to work with the people of House District 28. To listen to them and be their whenever they need me to help improve our district for all our residents.


Our new vision for Hawai'i won't be complete without you.

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