My Message To you.
I believe that for too long the people of Hawai'i have had to live as third-class citizens in their own home. Struggling to make ends meet by working two to three jobs just to survive here. For too long our leaders have put their interest a head of the interest of the people by siding with the corporations, lobbyists, developers and foreign investors who are using Hawai'i to increase their financial portfolios.
We can no longer stand still and allow business as usual to continue if we want to build a better Hawai'i for all of us and our generations to come. We need to stand as one and stand up to the corruption and greed which is destroying our beautiful Aina. If we do not, then Hawai'i as we know it shall never be Hawai'i. We must take a stand and say enough is enough and take control of what happens here for all our generations.
If elected House Representative of District 28, we shall accomplish all that and more.
Why are you running for House District 28?I am running for House District 28 Representative to serve the people in a way in which they have not been served by their elected officials in decades: 1-To right the wrong that has been done to the people of House District 28 and to set a new course in the way we do business in Hawaii. 2- To make sure that we serve and take care of all our people and to put their interest before that of any politician, lobbyist, or corporation. 3- To heal the Aina, and to protect the Wai and Kai from irreversible damages that we have caused by decades of greed and neglect. 4- To clean our environment and protect our agricultural lands from more destruction. 5- To pave the way for a better education and health care system so that we may secure a better future for all our generations to come. And lastly, because of the political climate in our country and the climate crisis, the time has come for someone to step up and truly lead.
What is your story?I am just a local boy, born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. I enjoy the outdoors and what Hawaii has to offer all of us. I am no different from anyone else. I have made my share of mistakes, and I am not perfect. I am just another person in the many faces that make Hawai'i what it is. This is our Aina, and I want to serve our people, and change the direction of where we are going and give the government back to the people. I served in the Air Force and went to various schools to study paralegal and accounting. I lived on the streets and was houseless for many years while holding down a job. I understand what it's like to be houseless and what it takes to get off of the streets of Honolulu. I also left school to take care of my brother's kids giving up my dreams, hoping that their future would be a good one for them as I believe that they deserved at least that much from an adult in their life.
What makes you qualified to run for Representative of House District 28?This question gets asked a lot for some reason but, my answerr is simple: the constitution of both the United States and the state of Hawai'i qualifies me to run for office. I know some people may expect a different answer but that is what it is. Anything beyond that and we aren't talking qualifications anymore. Then we would be talking arbitrary made up preferences and credentials which can vary from person to person drastically. Aside from that, what qualifies me? I have traveled a great deal. Lived abroad, served in the military and had a real world education through life experiences. This has instilled in me a sense of integrity with a strong moral root and a capacity to adapt to scenarios, learn quickly and to stand up for the greater good. Something missing from most people running for office. There is no greed in my heart, no corruption, no need to make a career out of politics, no hunger for power and no false platitudes. I am as real as real can get. I tell it like it is, admit when I am wrong, and I make it a habit to tell the truth.
What do you want to accomplish as Representative of House District 28?I hope to accomplish the following: To get the people more involved in how their government is run. To give the people a bigger say on the direction of where House District 28 and the State of Hawai'i is headed and how we get there. To establish a contract between the people and the government that ensures the rights of the people of Hawai'i shall come before any lobbyist, cooperation or political party. To clean up the environment in which we live in and establish and secure a new and bright future for all our people and the generations to come. To secure good paying jobs and establish a state of the art medical system that provides for all our people at no cost to the people. To establish an education system that is the envy of the world. Lastly and most importantly, I aspire to tackle the problems of House District 28 which includes affordable housing, Houslessness, Drug and Alcohol addiction and Mental Illness. To root out corruption, to be a good example, and to make sure that the government works for the people and with the people and not for itself.
Ernest David Kaimana Caravalho was born on February 17, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii and was raised in the Ahupua'a of Kalihi. He attended both Farrington High school in Honolulu and Montgomery High in Santa Rosa, California. He served in the United States Air Force and In 2016 and 2020, ran for Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu. In 2018 He ran for Governor of the State of Hawaii and came in 3rd out of 13 candidates. Ernest currently works at Aloha Care Health Insurance in Honolulu and is a member of Chinatown Lions Club, former Vice Chair of the Chinatown Downtown Neighborhood Board, Member of the Chinatown Business Community Association and former Chair of House District 29 of the Democratic Party.